3 Simple Tips to Make a Wordpress Website for the Chinese

Website Visibility in China by WebSitePulse Website Test behind the Great Firewall of China. Test any website in real-time to check if it is accessible from China. The Golden Shield Project (a.k.a. Great Firewall of China) is owned by the Government of China (MPS) and was started in 1998. The firewall system blocks website content by preventing IP addresses from being routed through and How To Get Your Business Website Banned In China How To Get Your Business Website Banned In China. Updated: February 15, 2011. It's no secret that the Chinese government is big on censorship. Much has been written about the Great Firewall of China, the massive infrastructure of state-owned ISPs and filters that, according to BusinessWeek, "employs more than 30,000 people to prowl Web sites, blogs and chat rooms on the lookout for offensive China is increasingly using 'exit bans' to bar Americans Sep 14, 2019

Do not travel to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) due to continued COVID-19 travel and quarantine restrictions. Effective March 28, 2020, the PRC suspended entry into the PRC by foreign nationals holding visas or residence permits. Most commercial air carriers reduced or suspended routes to …

Jul 01, 2020

List of Websites and Apps Blocked in China [Updated Jan 2019]

Jun 15, 2020 Coronavirus: Plague Inc. game banned in China - BBC News The bans comes as China continues to battle the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. In a statement, Ndemic Creations said: "We have some very sad news to share with our China-based players.