What is 6TO4 Adapter? (yellow mark - cannot start) - HP

Windows 7 tunnel adapter issue - YouTube Nov 12, 2010 6to4 Adapter cutting off my wireless internet access Nov 06, 2007 Windows Driver Error (Code 31)? | Yahoo Answers May 30, 2009 Microsoft 6to4 Adapter #30 Windows Vista

The VMXNET3 adapter is visible in Device Manager; The System Log of Event Viewer reports: Isatap interface isatap.{534E7BEC-57CF-41F0-80CD-256175FAB38D} is no longer active. The reason specified was: 0x40030011 [Operating System: Network Connectivity (Planned)] The TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper service was successfully sent a stop control.

Aug 27, 2013


Hey, Scripting Guy! How Do I Find Information About the Microsoft 6to4 Adapter. Status not reported. Microsoft Windows Mobile Remote Adapter. Status not reported. isatap.{C210F3A1-6EAC-4308-9311-69EADBA00A04} Ah, the results of our quest for networking nirvana. The value of 2 means the network adapter is connected. Here is the code we wrote to exploit the results of our research: